Vendor of the Month

Hi everyone!

Kasey Tam here. I'm the owner of The NAT, and while I'm not sure I deserve to be Vendor of the Month (there's some tough competition in this place), I thought starting with me would be a nice way to introduce myself and tell you a bit about our future plans here on The NAT Blog. 

We've been seeking out ways to better connect with our loyal local customers as well as those who travel through this little city of ours, and figured monthly introductions would be a great place to begin. So, every month, we'll sit down with one of our 100 vendors and talk shop, life, inspo, and more! With that said, let's jump right in!



Name: Kasey Tam

Business Info: From 6th Collective, The NAT, & Nest Interiors + Construction

Name three words that describe you. Dreamer + Creative + Loud

What items do you specialize in? Anything and Everything. Ha! I know that's broad, but it's true. I sell a lot of one-of-a-kind antique pieces, a couple of market lines, as well as all things weird and wonderful. I mean, who doesn't need a giant hornet's nest? Talk about a conversation starter.

What is your favorite place to source antiques? While in college, I frequented the antique shops along Dallas' Industrial Blvd. White Elephant was the shop that actually inspired me to go out on my own when I moved back to Amarillo. Now days though, I live for Antiques Week down in Round Top. We're really lucky to live within driving distance of a place like that. I'm already preparing the trailer for the next show this fall!

What is your most prized possession that you've "picked" over the years? I'd have to say the hand carved buffalo skull my husband and I purchased on our honeymoon in Bali. Getting to meet the artist that carved it makes it even more special. 

Where do you find inspiration? Mostly through pinterest and design magazines like Living Etc, Domino, and Elle Decor (the UK edition). I can't travel abroad very often, so I tend to browse magazines that are published over seas. I don't know what it is about Australia, but their design community is insanely innovative and inspiring to me. 

How do you spend your time when you aren't at The NAT? I'm usually doing the not so pretty tasks that keep the place afloat from my office or home; like balancing checkbooks, paying utilities, etc. I also own and operate an Interior Design & Construction Company with my dad and husband. My two toddlers keep me really, really busy on top of it all. But, I wouldn't have it any other way. My jobs allow me to travel all over in search of treasures to bring back and share with our customers. We take the kids on most buying trips as well, so I'm hopeful they'll appreciate this lifestyle as much as we do some day. 

What's your personal motto? Never hurts to try. I never dreamed I'd be twenty something and operating an antique mall, but it's been one of the best decisions I've ever made! I absolutely love the interaction I get from our amazing staff, vendors, and customers. If you've been wanting to try your hand at retail, The NAT is a great place to start!